New Novella!
Alexa Denisovitch, a refugee from Kosovo during the 1999 war, is just seventeen when she is accepted by GenGineer Laboratories as a Tester for Longeva, a revolutionary additive that may significantly extend her longevity.
But becoming a Tester has unintended consequences and Longeva causes devastating unforeseen side effects.
Confronting environmental, political, and personal perils of the future, Alexa must grapple with the tough questions of life, love, and death.
From Goodreads comes the first review of One Day in the Life of Alexa:
"One Day in the Life of Alexa, by Lisa Mason (Bast Books, 2017) incorporates lively prose, past/present time jumps, and the consequences of longevity technology...In reflection, the book is as much about the enduring trauma of war as it is about longevity technology, and in this it feels more like mainstream than science fiction. [An] absorbing read with an appealing narrator and subtly powerful emotional rhythms." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35200314-one-day-in-the-life-of-alexa#other_reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Lisa Mason doesn't disappoint us on that issue and gives us a look ...
By R Bruce Miller on October 1, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
Scifi is nominally about the future and the impact of technology on society. Lisa Mason doesn't disappoint us on that issue and gives us a look at a desirable biotechnology with some serious long-term and unforeseen consequences. However, like all the truly great scifi writers, what she really writes about is you and me and today and what is really important in life. Alexa lives an improbable life and yet, somehow, is a very real everywoman. Solzhenitsyn would have appreciated the homage. Cats! Grow your own organic food! Yes, there is much fun to be had on this journey, but the message nonetheless is solid and important. I enjoyed every word even though this book spoiled my day because I had no choice but to read it in one sitting while drinking too much coffee.
New Five Star Review!
When her home is bombed by Serbs Alexa Denisovitch flees Kosovo with her mother. She meets the obnoxious Marya who joins her family emigrating to the US. Living in NYC in poverty Alexa and Marya's infant child are accepted as a tester of Longeva, a life extending drug being developed by GenGineer Laboratories, so they can be paid. The treatments includes diet and exercise routines that must be followed to keep the payments coming. Bad political, environmental and personal events happen to and around Alexa yet she continues struggling to survive.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" about one man's struggle to live one day at a time in the horror of a Soviet gulag. It is a great book, and very depressing. Ivan struggles to survive one more day finding internal resources that allow him to last another day of hopelessness.
Lisa Mason's character Alexa is not imprisoned in a gulag, but she is caught in the conviction she must continue the life-extending drug regime to stay alive. She tries to make the world a better place for other refugees, but side effects of the drugs limit her. She finds her internal resource that allows her to survive many more days in a much more uplifting manner than poor Ivan Denisovich. Discovering where her strengths [lie] is not depressing but uplifting for this reader. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1546783091/
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Lisa Mason, the Fantasy and Science Fiction Author
Books by Lisa Mason
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Art, Jewelry, and Mobiles by Tom Robinson
Cats, Past and Present
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2000-2022 by Lisa Mason. All artwork copyright 2000-2022 by Tom Robinson.
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